Host's Notes

Borris' two forms
From The Host Notes: All of my findings about the entities who visit our realm through this portal.
Ethereal Class: Passive
Borris was the first being I encountered.
He's extremely social, and prone to ramble. He doesn't seem to mind when someone dozes off in the middle of his monologues.
Borris takes things as they come and has the gift of contentment. He'll happily ramble without input if you find him around, likely he'll be fishing, or on his way to do so.
He is a skilled fisherman. With knowledge on where fish frequent and how they behave, he knows exactly where to sit and wait as he watches the world pass by.
He also is a skilled carpenter and leather worker, having a workshop he recedes to when he's not in the mood for company.
He is likely the most capable of destroying reality, though thankfully he seems too fond of it to see it go. However, he does speak of times having an end. Whether this is because he can see the end of our reality, plans to cause it, or simply continuing in line with his "go with the flow" ideology is unclear.
Prolonged exposure can lead to dreams of the ocean depths. Those who are creative will have more vivid dreams, possibly even glimpsing traces of his True form within the inky darkness.

Borris' Human Appearance
Borris takes form as a Greek fisherman with a round face, roman nose, and unnatural eyes that shift from green to blue to purple like the iridescence of an oil slick.
His hair appears brunette from a distance, but upon closer inspection resembles a deep wine purple.
His beard usually conceals tentacles that he uses as sensory organs, similar to a bug with antennae.
Scales make hinting appearances near the edge of his beard, along the sides of his neck, and along the ulnar side of his forearms.
The back of his neck bears a birthmark similar to the headstamp in his "true" form.
His clothing is modest, consisting of a casual button-down shirt, trousers, a fisherman's cap, and long socks that always have a pattern
A pack usually rests over his shoulder, full of fishing gear. The bag is seemingly bottomless and contains multiple non-collapsible fishing rods.

Delilah's two forms
From The Host Notes: All of my findings about the entities who visit our realm through this portal.
Illusionary Class: Passive
Delilah invokes a maternal warmth in some visitors, but her goal is to stir questions.
Fascinated by the human psyche, specifically pertaining to societal rules and where priorities lie, she tries to push the why of assumed conventions.
While she may not look it, Delilah has the capability to do serious damage. Her moral compass, however, tips in our favour. She would much rather explore our realm than destroy it.
Be advised that prolonged exposure to Delilah may lead to an increase in dreams involving moths and butterflies, and may also lead to dreams of falling or flying depending on whether you are comforted or troubled by the thought experiments she imparts.

Delilah's Human Appearance
Delilah prefers to hide in plain sight, her wings become her shawl and her eyes remain compound, distracting from their flickering appearance with a vibrant green.
Her hair is a warm brunette that falls in curls to her shoulders with a texture similar to that of feathers.
She keeps a rhododendron on her person alongside a clip of feathers. Regardless of the clip being detachable, the disguised antennas still function to give her an extra spacial awareness.
A ring adorns her left middle finger at all times; She will not elaborate as to why.
She prefers deep reds and purples alongside earthy tones in her clothes. Usually she wears a long dress, frequently with a stripe or two, short heels, and a pair of stockings.
Her cloak is her wings in disguise, and seemingly do not move to provide the ability of flight in this form. Instead she will simply appear to float or hover.

Nestor's most common forms
From The Host Notes: All of my findings about the entities who visit our realm through this portal.
Shifting Class: Aggressive
Mayor of the town.
No one is entirely sure where Nestor's port town is really located, or if it even exists at all. Foreign trade records have been found, photographs of commerce exist, but no one can explain where they were or how to find the elusive port.
Nestor is material, thriving on the amount of gain he can squeeze out of our reality. He appreciates tenacity, and encourages action over hesitation. This is not to say he is against planning, he holds the strategic side of commerce is just as high a regard as entrepreneurship itself
A well known fact amongst those who do business with Nestor is he loves big words. Or at least, he thinks he does. More often then not if he isn't making up a word entirely he's a bit of a Vizzini. I do not think those words mean what he thinks they mean.
It's likely a blessing that Nestor is one of the weaker entities, as he can be impulsive and have a short fuse. One bad deal could have him tearing our reality in twain, if he had the power to do so.
He answers to Borris with the same enthusiasm of a stubborn son-in-law, which is likely the main reason he hasn't even attempted such a brash course of action. And of course, there is the fact that if he ends it, he will no longer profit off of it. That would put a severe damper on his day.
Prolonged exposure can lead to lowered impulse control, poor vernacular, and a lingering ode' de fish.

Wynn's most common forms
From The Host Notes: All of my findings about the entities who visit our realm through this portal.
Shifting Class: Evasive
Wynn is an incredibly shy entity
When she isn't sequestered in the foggy woods she calls home, she prefers to avoid social interaction whenever possible.
This can be rather difficult, as she loves live music, and dancing even more so, she simply gets so nervous she clams up and goes stiff as a board before bolting back towards the forest.
Despite her elusive nature, her abilities are nothing to sneeze at. With a high defense, a blood curdling shriek straight from her uncle the Jersey Devil, and a stare that can render her prey immobile, she makes an impeccable hunter.
Wynn consumes beings from our reality to maintain her form, as without them she would simply fade back into her home realm.
Prolonged exposure can lead to dreams of her "True" form stalking from between the trees. Glowing dots of red the only clear sign of her admist the shifting shadows and rustling in the mist.

Wynn's Human Appearance
Wynn is tiny. One may even call her petite. With a lanky, borderline boyish figure, she fits right into the flapper attire she loves so much.
With red hair, and brown eyes her pale cool-toned skin resembles porcelain.
Even if she is dwarfed by her peers, and keeps in unassuming posture, Wynn is far from helpless. Having a Jersey uncle has its perks in learning to handle yourself.
Wynn dresses in vibrant colour. She prefers the beaded flapper dresses, despite their uncommon usage in the 20's. The flash of colour off of the beads reminds her of her plumage in truer form.
Her clothing usually has exotic animal themes, such as parrots or tigers. She likes stripes and patterns but avoids clothes that look "busy".
Iridescence, colour changing, and heat reactive materials draw her attention, and she decorates herself in feathers to further make her feel at home in her skin.
She completes her outfits with a set of stockings and short heels in dark blue or red. Despite her small frame, she doesn't usually wear any kind of jacket or shawl, and does not complain of being cold.
Elevator Operator

Elevator Operator Title Screen
From The Host Notes: All of my findings about the entities who visit our realm through this portal.
Elevator Operator is the game that led to my discovery of the entities before I gave them this site as a portal to our realm.
The Entities were not quite fully formed, not yet secure in this reality, and in many ways are not the same entities that they were before.
The game was developed by a team, Gulleh, Henry, Nico, and M.
The entity we know as Borris split from the original entity of the game. While in Elevator Operator, his proto-existence called himself Erend, who co-existed alongside a as of now unnamed entity, brought to life by Nico.
Delilah evolved in a nearly identical manner, but kept her proto-existence's name.
Nestor and Wynn gained abilities upon their cross over into the realm, and likely had a simpler transition due to being less ethereal and nonsensical to the laws of reality to begin with.
It is with this entry that I extend my truest thanks to those who worked on the Elevator Operator project as a spark that lit the match on the site before you.