Host's Notes

Borris' two forms
From The Host Notes: All of my findings about the entities who visit our realm through this portal.
Ethereal Class: Passive
Borris was the first being I encountered.
He's extremely social, and prone to ramble. He doesn't seem to mind when someone dozes off in the middle of his monologues.
Borris takes things as they come and has the gift of contentment. He'll happily ramble without input if you find him around, likely he'll be fishing, or on his way to do so.
He is a skilled fisherman. With knowledge on where fish frequent and how they behave, he knows exactly where to sit and wait as he watches the world pass by.
He also is a skilled carpenter and leather worker, having a workshop he recedes to when he's not in the mood for company.
He is likely the most capable of destroying reality, though thankfully he seems too fond of it to see it go. However, he does speak of times having an end. Whether this is because he can see the end of our reality, plans to cause it, or simply continuing in line with his "go with the flow" ideology is unclear.
Prolonged exposure can lead to dreams of the ocean depths. Those who are creative will have more vivid dreams, possibly even glimpsing traces of his True form within the inky darkness.

Borris' Human Appearance
Borris takes form as a Greek fisherman with a round face, roman nose, and unnatural eyes that shift from green to blue to purple like the iridescence of an oil slick.
His hair appears brunette from a distance, but upon closer inspection resembles a deep wine purple.
His beard usually conceals tentacles that he uses as sensory organs, similar to a bug with antennae.
Scales make hinting appearances near the edge of his beard, along the sides of his neck, and along the ulnar side of his forearms.
The back of his neck bears a birthmark similar to the headstamp in his "true" form.
His clothing is modest, consisting of a casual button-down shirt, trousers, a fisherman's cap, and long socks that always have a pattern
A pack usually rests over his shoulder, full of fishing gear. The bag is seemingly bottomless and contains multiple non-collapsible fishing rods.